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Amerikalik fotosuratchi Djon Stenmeyer olgan o‘zbek to‘yi suratini National Geographic dunyoning eng yaxshi 57 fotosurati ro‘yxatiga qo‘shdi.

TOShKENT, 11 dek — Sputnik. National Geographic jurnali amerikalik fotosuratchi Djon Stenmeyer suratga olgan o‘zbek to‘yi fotosuratini dunyoning eng yaxshi 57 fotosurati ro‘yxatiga qo‘shdi.

"Aka-uka kuyov va ularning qalliqlari to‘y marosimida. Toshkentdagi to‘yxonalardan   birida. Bugungi O‘zbekiston poytaxti bir vaqtlar Buyuk Ipak yo‘lida karvonlar to‘xtaydigan joy bo‘lgan", — deb izoh qoldirgan Stenmeyer o‘zining Instagramdagi sahifasida.

Follow @OutofEdenWalk, Paul Salopek’s 12 year journey walking in the footsteps of our ancestors. — Two brothers and their brides wait to be married in a lavish ceremony at a 'wedding hall in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The city, now the country's capital, was long a stopping place for camel caravans plying the Silk Road. — Personal Note: Sometimes, and always when we least expect it, we fall in and between the beauty of the unexpected. Such was a night in Tashkent when wandering about the Uzbek capital looking for weddings. My good friend, @aziz_khalmuradov mentioned he knew of a wondrous place, a palace that might be filled with strangeness and beauty. Never carrying lights, it was dark, a touched concerned all this regalia would be lost in the dimness. The dual brides wedding photographer noticed I was flashless, saying in kind…”Would you like to use my lights?” He tethered my camera wirelessly and like magic, the glow of hall, in all its beguiling colors appeared. Thankful that his unexpected kindness brought to life the beauty of mirroring nuptials, a doubling in colors and pomp only found in the Registon Wedding Palace, named after the famous 15th century Registon in Samarkand along the ancient Silk Road. — My latest story in @NatGeo, in this months issue, The New Silk Road, our overland journey through Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan photographed throughout 2016 and early 2017. Link to the entire story in my Instagram Bio. — @outofedenwalk @natgeo @natgeocreative #paulsalopek #tashkent #uzbekistan #newsilkroad #silkroad #ancientsilkroad #wedding #portrait #weddinghall #colors #hues #beauty #flowers #fruit #weddingcake #bride #groom #twobrides #twogrooms #colors

Publikatsiya ot John Stanmeyer (@johnstanmeyer) Dek 7 2017 v 6:29 PST

Fotosuratchi aytishiga qarganda, u o‘zbek to‘yiga tasodifan kelib qolgan. Shaharni aylanib yurgan vaqtda uning tarjimoni Aziz Xolmuradov to‘yxonaga kirib kelin-kuyovni suratga olishni taklif qiladi. Mahalliy fotosuratchi esa unga o‘zining "vspishka"sini berib turadi.

Jon Stenmeyer — butun dunyoga mashhur amerikalik fotojurnalist. Bir qator xalqaro mukofotlar laureati. National Geographic bilan bir necha yildan buyon hamkorlik qilib keladi. 2014-yilda fotografiya sohasida eng nufuzli bo‘lgan World Press Photo mukofotga sazovor bo‘lgan. U O‘zbekistonga jurnalist Pol Salopek bilan birga kelgan edi.

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